好書推薦-FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文(2)(菊8K軟皮精裝+1MP3+練習本)
















1. Academic Topics 各大學科核心文章


2. Key Words 關鍵字彙與片語


3. Picture Vocabulary 彩圖字彙


4. Main Idea and Details 閱讀技巧練習

針對課文精心設計題型,練習閱讀理解技巧,包含找出文章的主旨(main idea)、細節(details)。另有圖解式大綱(outline)整理,協助掌握文章架構。

5. Vocabulary Builder 字彙複習


6. Workbook 自我檢測練習本


7. MP3 附課文朗讀MP3


Table of Contents 目錄

Chapter 1 Social Studies?History and Geography


Theme: Building Citizenship 建立公民權

Unit 01 Building Citizenship建立公民權

Unit 02 Different Kinds of Communities 形形色色的社區

Theme: Community Laws and Leaders 社區法律和領導者

Unit 03 The Leaders of Government 政府的領導者

Unit 04 Martin Luther King, Jr. 馬丁?路德?金恩

Vocabulary Review 1 單字複習1

Theme: Lots of Jobs 各行各業

Unit 05 Many Jobs 各行各業

Unit 06 Volunteers and Community Jobs志工與社區工作

Theme: Maps and Directions 地圖和方位

Unit 07 What is a Map地圖是什麼?

Unit 08 Maps and Directions 地圖與方位

Vocabulary Review 2 單字複習2

Theme: Our Earth and Its Resources 地球資源

Unit 09 Natural Resources自然資源

Unit 10 Caring for Our Resources 保護自然資源

Theme: Native Americans and Their Culture 美國原住民及其文化

Unit 11 Native Americans 美國原住民

Unit 12 Early American Empires 美國早期帝國

Vocabulary Review 3 單字複習3

Wrap-Up Test 1 總複習1

Chapter 2 Science 科學

Theme: Living and Nonliving Things 生物與非生物

Unit 13 What Are Living Things? 何謂生物?

Unit 14 How Do Living Things Survive in the Cold? 生物如何應付寒冷的環境?

Theme: A World of Plants 植物的世界

Unit 15 How Do Plants Grow and Change? 植物如何生長和改變?

Unit 16 How Do Plants Survive in the Desert? 植物如何在沙漠裡生存?

Vocabulary Review 4 單字複習4

Theme: A World of Animals 動物的世界

Unit 17 Kinds of Animals 動物的種類

Unit 18 Insects 昆蟲知多少

Theme: The Life Cycle 生命週期

Unit 19 The Life Cycle of an Animal 動物的生命週期

Unit The Life Cycle of a Frog 青蛙的生命週期

Vocabulary Review 5 單字複習5

Theme: The Food Chain 有趣的食物鏈

Unit 21 What Are Food Chains? 何謂食物鏈?

Unit 22 The Ocean Food Chain 海洋食物鏈

Theme: The Solar System太陽系介紹

Unit 23 What Is the Solar System? 太陽系知多少

Unit 24 What Causes the Seasons? 季節的形成

Vocabulary Review 6 單字複習6

Wrap-Up Test 2 總複習2

Chapter 3 Mathematics?Language?Visual Arts?Music


Theme: Addition and Subtraction 加法和減法運算

Unit 25 Addition and Subtraction 加法和減法運算

Unit 26 Counting Money 數錢

Theme: Theme: Time 時間的概念

Unit 27 Telling Time 表達時間

Unit 28 Reading a Calendar 看日曆

Vocabulary Review 7 單字複習7

Theme: Learning about Language 語言學習

Unit 29 Parts of Speech 詞類

Unit 30 Contractions and Abbreviations 縮約詞和縮寫詞

Theme: Types of Writing 寫作的形式

Unit 31 Types of Writing 寫作的形式

Unit 32: The Emperor’s New Clothes 國王的新衣

Vocabulary Review 8 單字複習8

Theme: A World of Paintings 繪畫的世界

Unit 33 A World of Colors 彩色的世界

Unit 34 Lines and Shapes 線條和形狀

Theme: A World of Music 音樂的世界

Unit 35 Musicians and Their Instruments 音樂家和他們的樂器

Unit 36 Mozart and Beethoven 莫札特與貝多芬

Vocabulary Review 9 單字複習9

Wrap-Up Test 3總複習3

? Word List 單字表

? Answers and Translations 解答和課文翻譯

Workbook for Daily Review 練習本





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