好書推薦-FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文(3)(菊8K軟皮精裝+1MP3+練習本)















1. Academic Topics 各大學科核心文章


2. Key Words 關鍵字彙與片語


3. Picture Vocabulary 彩圖字彙


4. Main Idea and Details 閱讀技巧練習

針對課文精心設計題型,練習閱讀理解技巧,包含找出文章的主旨(main idea)、細節(details)。另有圖解式大綱(outline)整理,協助掌握文章架構。

5. Vocabulary Builder 字彙複習


6. Workbook 自我檢測練習本


7. MP3 附課文朗讀MP3


Chapter 1 Social Studies History and Geography社會人文學科

Theme: Technology Changes the World全球工業技術的改變

Unit 1 How Transportation Has Changed交通工具如何演變

Unit 2 Inventors and Inventions發明者和發明

Theme: Government政府

Unit 3 Choosing Our Leaders選領袖

Unit 4 Presidents’ Day in February二月總統節

Vocabulary Review 1 單字複習1

Theme: The World around Us世界各國

Unit 5 Countries Have Neighbors我們的鄰近國家

Unit 6 The Amazon Rainforest亞馬遜雨林

Theme: Protecting the Earth保護地球

Unit 7 Protecting the Earth保護地球

Unit 8 The World’s Endangered Animals世界瀕臨絕種動物

Vocabulary Review 2 單字複習2

Theme: World Religions世界宗教

Unit 9 World Religions世界宗教

Unit 10 Religious Holidays宗教節慶

Theme: Europeans Come to the New World新世界的歐洲移民

Unit 11 Early Travelers to America美國的早期移民

Unit 12 The Pilgrims and Thanksgiving 清教徒和感恩節

Vocabulary Review 3 單字複習3

Wrap-Up Test 1 總複習1

Chapter 2 Science自然科學學科

Theme: Our Earth我們的地球

Unit 13 Inside the Earth地球內部構造

Unit 14 Earthquakes and Volcanoes地震和火山

Theme: The Solar System太陽系

Unit 15 Why Does the Moon Seem to Change?


Unit 16 The First Man on the Moon登上月球的第一人

Vocabulary Review 4 單字複習4

Theme: Electricity電

Unit 17 Electricity電

Unit 18 Conserving Electricity節約用電

Theme: Motion and Energy移動和外力

Unit 19 Motion and Forces移動和外力

Unit 20 Magnets磁鐵

Vocabulary Review 5 單字複習5

Theme: Sound聲音

Unit 21 What Is Sound? 何謂聲音?

Unit 22 Sounds and Safety聲音和安全

Theme: The Human Body人體

Unit 23 The Organs of the Human body人體器官

Unit 24 The Five Senses五大感官

Vocabulary Review 6 單字複習6

Wrap-Up Test 2 總複習2

Chapter 3 Mathematics۰Language۰Visual Arts۰Music


Theme: Numbers and Operations數字和運算

Unit 25 Word Problems數學運算

Unit 26 Place Value數量位值

Theme: Multiplication and Division乘法和除法

Unit 27 Multiplication and Division乘法和除法

Unit 28 Skip Counting Equal Groups倍數運算

Vocabulary Review 7 單字複習7

Theme: Myths神話

Unit 29 What Are Myths? 何謂神話?

Unit 30 Prometheus Brings Fire普羅美修斯神盜火

Theme: Learning about Language學習語言

Unit 31 Nouns名詞

Unit 32 Some Common Sayings慣用語

Vocabulary Review 8 單字複習8

Theme: Visual Arts藝術

Unit 33 Realistic Art and Abstract Art寫實派藝術和抽象派藝術

Unit 34 Picasso and His Work畢卡索和他的創作

Theme: A World of Music世界音樂

Unit 35 Many Kinds of Music音樂類型

Unit 36 Modern Music現代音樂

Vocabulary Review 9 單字複習9

Wrap-Up Test 3 總複習3

? Word List 單字表

? Answers and Translations 解答和課文翻譯

Workbook for Daily Review 練習本





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