好書推薦-FUN 學美國英語閱讀課本:各學科實用課文(1)(菊8K軟皮精裝+1MP3+練習本)















1. Academic Topics 各大學科核心文章


2. Key Words 關鍵字彙與片語


3. Picture Vocabulary 彩圖字彙


4. Main Idea and Details 閱讀技巧練習

針對課文精心設計題型,練習閱讀理解技巧,包含找出文章的主旨(main idea)、細節(details)。另有圖解式大綱(outline)整理,協助掌握文章架構。

5. Vocabulary Builder 字彙複習


6. Workbook 自我檢測練習本


7. MP3 附課文朗讀MP3


Table of Contents 目錄

Chapter 1 Social Studies: History and Geography


Theme: School Life 學校生活

Unit 01 Our Day at School 學校生活

Unit 02 School Rules 學校規則

Theme: Our Community 社區生活

Unit 03 Welcome to My Community 歡迎光臨我的社區

Unit 04 Being a Good Citizen 當一個好公民

Vocabulary Review 1 單字複習1

Theme: Different Cultures and Holidays 文化與節日

Unit 05 Celebrating Holidays 慶祝節日

Unit 06 Holiday Traditions 節日傳統

Theme: Explore the United States 探索美國

Unit 07 America’s Symbols 美國的象徵

Unit 08 National Flags 國旗

Vocabulary Review 2 單字複習2

Theme: America's Capital美國的首府

Unit 09 America’s Capital 美國的首府

Unit 10 Washington, D.C. 華盛頓D.C.

Theme: Land and Water 土地和水源

Unit 11 Our Land and Water 我們的土地和水源

Unit 12 Where in the World Do We Live? 我們生活在世界何處?

Vocabulary Review 3 單字複習3

Wrap-Up Test 1 總複習1

Chapter 2 Science 科學

Theme: Learning about Plants 認識植物

Unit 13 Parts of Plants 植物的各部位

Unit 14 What Do Plants Need? 植物生長需要什麼?

Theme: Animals and Their Homes 動物與其棲息地

Unit 15 Where Do Animals Live? 動物居住在何處?

Unit 16 Water Habitats 水資源生態環境

Vocabulary Review 4 單字複習4

Theme: Weather and Seasons 氣候與季節

Unit 17 Weather 天氣

Unit 18 The Four Seasons 四季

Theme: The Sky Above 浩瀚天際

Unit 19 What Can You See in the Sky? 你能在天空看見什麼?

Unit 20 What Causes Day and Night 白天和黑夜的成因

Vocabulary Review 5 單字複習5

Theme: How Can Matter Change? 物質如何轉變?

Unit 21 Solids, Liquids, and Gases 固體、液體和氣體

Unit 22 The Water Cycle 水循環

Theme: Human Body 人體構造知多少

Unit 23 Your Body 認識你的身體

Unit 24 The Systems of Your Body 認識你的身體系統

Vocabulary Review 6 單字複習6

Wrap-Up Test 2 總複習2

Chapter 3 Mathematics?Language?Visual Arts?Music


Theme: Shapes and Figures 形狀與圖形

Unit 25 Shapes and Figures 形狀和圖形

Unit 26 What Am I?我是什麼?

Theme: Numbers and Counting 數字與數數兒

Unit 27 Counting Numbers 123數數兒

Unit 28 Comparing Numbers 數字大小比一比

Vocabulary Review 7 單字複習7

Theme: Language Arts 語言藝術

Unit 29 Being a Good Writer 當一個優秀作家

Unit 30 Writing Friendly Letters 書寫友善的信

Theme: Reading Stories 故事閱讀

Unit 31 Aesop’s Fables 伊索寓言

Unit 32: The Ant and the Grasshopper 螞蟻和蚱蜢

Vocabulary Review 8 單字複習8

Theme: A World of Paintings 繪畫的世界

Unit 33 Kinds of Painting 繪畫的種類

Unit 34 Painting and Drawing Material 繪畫和繪畫材料

Theme: A World of Music 音樂百匯

Unit 35 Musical Instruments 樂器的種類

Unit 36 The Orchestra 管弦樂隊

Vocabulary Review 9 單字複習9

Wrap-Up Test 3總複習3

? Word List 單字表

? Answers and Translations 解答和課文翻譯

Workbook for Daily Review 練習本





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